And pushing his way through the gap, vibrating in his gut, ever-present, the foundation of music, the beginning and the end-point of Jungle, there came the bass.
Because the bass is too dark for this, thought Saul suddenly, with shocking clarity, the bass is too dark to suffer this, the insubordinate treble, fuck the treble, fuck the ephemera, fuck the high end, fuck the flute, and as he thought this the flutelines faded in his mind, became nothing more than thin, clashing cacophonies, fuck the treble, he thought, because when you dance to Jungle what you follow is the bass...
It was the bass that set the agenda. It was the bass that made the song. It was the bas that united the Junglists, that cemented their community, that built a room of dancers, something far stronger than this hive mind.
Saul came close enough to touch.
King Rat, China Mieville